Who Do You Serve? The simple question that can change your life.

Over the course of a day, week or month it is easy to get lost in the repetitive nature of a job, chores, bills....the list goes on. You begin to feel like you are spinning your wheels and stressing out like your life is wasting away (or maybe thats just me). In these moments, tapping into caffeine or willpower only works for so long.

The question that I have begun asking myself in these moments, when it just feels better to eat that junk food or scroll through instagram is "Who is this serving?". Many times when things become challenging or a little difficult we habitually reach for our phone or for some other quick dopamine hit. We do this because it's easy – after all thats how we were built to function. Hundreds of years ago when it was killed or be killed, the easy, safe and familiar option could keep us alive. Now that same instinct has us picking up our phone and mindlessly scrolling instead of tackling the task in front of us.

So how do we overcome our default programming (some of which has been engrained into our day to day habits over the course of years or even decades). I find within myself, it takes a moment of stepping away from what I am doing (or about to do) and asking myself that question of who I am serving in that moment. Many times it is the version of myself that seeks comfort and simple quick pleasures, and it almost always comes at the expense of a future version of myself. That future version can be hours, days or even weeks away but that person will be stressed, unsettled or disappointed from the actions I take today. When I get invited to the beach and know I could have worked harder in the gym. When the weekend comes and I log off work but stress about the action I didn't take as its clouds over the weekend.....leaving me stressed for what Monday will bring.

The two examples above I understand are extremely personal to me and each person will have their own unique struggles that they relate with. It also may be the case that taking action for your future self may not light a fire under your ass. Maybe working in service of your family or your community really resonates with you. Whatever it may be, when you go seeking that little bit of comfort try putting the brakes on and asking why you are doing that. The people who transform their lives into a version they can be proud of realize that either their habits serve them, or they are a servant to their habits. That scrolling through social media often does not move you forward or comfort you in a meaningful way. It's an empty pitcher trying to fill up your glass...and it is so subtle we sometimes do not even recognize what is going on. Rest, relaxation and comfort are important parts of life - but only when they are consciously done and truly fill your proverbial glass. Hanging out with friends, watching your favorite show or team. These can be better ways to refill your soul. Even Gary Vaynerchuk, an incredibly high performer makes time to unwind by watching his favorite sports team, the New York Jets.

Tapping into why you do things and developing the habits and systems to push your self is how you truly reach new limits and break barriers. Your life is not defined by a single moment, or that one opportunity. It is the cumulative nature of your habits. That workout you don't want to do. That extra class to learn how to code, or learning how to speak and write more effectively.

Serve what lights you on fire, not just want fills your need for immediate comfort . Pursue difficult things, push your limits and stretch yourself.  Your future self will thank you for the action you take today.