My 2022 Statement of Intent
So......I haven't written a blog post in quite some time. Recognizing this, my first immediate reaction was frustration towards myself. Like most people this seemed like it was going to be another well intentioned habit that never quite stuck. This time around in 2022 I am going to try and give it more direction and focus. The best way I could think of starting this is with a 'Statement of Intent' - basically a guide to who I want to be and what kind of life I want to pursue this year and beyond.
Intentions vs. Goals: Setting your intention is not the same as setting a goal. When you set goals you are envisioning an end line where you have achieved something and your work is done. These things are often measurable and finite. The best example I can give is trying to lose weight. According to a 2018 CDC survey, at any given point in the year approximately 50% of Americans have a goal of losing some amount of weight. Often times these individuals do not stick to these goals, get frustrated with themselves, which then makes it harder to try again in fear of failing over and over.
Intentions on the other hand are a set of guide rails to keep you aware of who you are trying to be. Choosing how you want to show up in any and every aspect of your life. Whether that be in work, relationships, fitness, hobbies, the list goes on. They focus on how you can live in the present moment with no expectation of what the future will hold.
It's important to note that goals still have importance. Having targets to hit can help keep your eye on the prize. They provide crucial check in points with yourself and are a useful metric for many aspects of your life. With that being said, I believe they may be easier to stick to when they align to specific intentions you have. This way, when your motivation is lacking or you are struggling to stick to your plan, you can tap into a clear purpose. Declaring your intentions should also not be a one and done activity. Your statement of intent should be a living and breathing document that should be refined as time goes on. As you continually refine what is important to you, your statement of intent should be updated to reflect this.
So without anymore delay, here is my statement of intent. I hope you take the time to think deeply about yours, write it down and begin living it everyday.
I intend to be someone who lives in the present moment. Who's more preoccupied with the beauty in front of me than of anything on my phone. Someone who values the immersion in work and modern day life, but also in nature. Someone who is perfectly content with the sun, the sound of birds and the ocean breeze. I am an individual who is truly and abundantly happy for the success of his friends (and maybe enemies) who strives to smile and laugh everyday.
I intend to be a lifelong learner. Someone who has a language or two under his belt and who can converse and soak up different cultures and ideas. Someone who can have a disagreement that doesn't result in malice or anger towards another. A person who is okay being quiet and listening (especially hard for me because I don't shut up in most circumstances) and actively seeks situations where I am the dumbest in the room on specific topics.
I intend to be healthy. The body is a complex piece of machinery that has various requirements to run at peak performance. I will be someone who keeps the machine running as optimally as possible, but also knows a slice of pizza and beer with a friend is just as wholesome when practiced in moderation. I will move my body, lift heavy things and be someone who has the capacity to do some real damage, and still choose to be kind and compassionate.
This is how I want to live and show up each and everyday – how do you plan to live?